6/24/2018 0 Comments Peace I Leave With YouIt has been a tough week in the city of Pittsburgh. Over the last week many hearts are hurting following the shooting of Antwon Rose, a 17 year-old killed by police. In hearing the news and having it be so close to home, it has just been so tough to wrap my head around this tragedy. My heart hurts for his family, friends, and this city. In the midst of examining this tragedy, God has reminded me that he is sovereign. In the midst of all the chaos, God can provide us, something that this world can not, peace, a peace that is far beyond human understanding. As I was studying the peace God gives, I found that it translates to the Hebrew, Shalom which is defined as completeness and soundness. You see God reminds us that in the midst of chaos, he is able to provide a soundness and stillness to our hearts and minds. God allows us to find an ultimate rest in him. It does not mean that it will be easy, it does not mean that we will not hurt, but it means that we are not alone, that we can find a stillness no matter what is going on around us. John 14:27 says: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" John 14:27 (KJV) Peace does not mean that we do not have problems but in the midst of our problems we can turn to a savior who is sovereign and who will see us through. In that we can find our rest and stillness. So as you go through this week I encourage you to tap into that peace. No matter what your current chaos is, we can find the same rest in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray to the Lord for that peace, and in his peace let us find rest. Rest my brothers and sisters, God is with you! Let us pray for the family of Antwon this week, and let us encourage someone else that they are not alone!
6/13/2018 0 Comments How To Make Good DecisionsFrom the time that we wake up in the morning, until the time that we lay our heads down at night, we are always making decisions. Decision making is often second nature to us as we are quick to make many decisions without even taking the time to think things through. The problem with our decision-making skills is we often apply the same strategy to complex decisions as we do to our everyday choices. We see a business opportunity that pays plenty of money, so we decide to pursue it only to discover later it has ripped us from time, money, and the core of who we are. It is situations like these when our quick thinking leads to poor judgment. We have to learn to stop making decisions so fast. One thing I have learned is that if something requires you to decide on a short clock, then it's best to say no. I know it may present an opportunity, but believe me when I say, another chance will come. Rushed decisions are not sound decisions. Good choices are those that provide allow you to take your time. When opportunities become available to you, I have learned it is best to take time, think things through and wisely come to a decision. “Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right” -Phil McGraw Making a decision right is better than making a decision quickly. Understand that opportunities are always available. Life is like a revolving circle, it will come back around, and if it doesn't, something better will. When that bigger and better opportunity is presented to you, you will be prepared, and you will be able to handle it with excellence.
So take your time, and slow down. When you feel pressured, remove the pressure, eliminate the deadline and focus on discovering how that opportunity can help move you forward. Do not allow things or people to distract you from what’s in your best interest. And don’t forget that what’s worth having is worth waiting for. Until next time, Tamika Nicole ![]() It is 6 a.m. your morning alarm is going off and you hit snooze. It's not until 30 minutes later that you realize that you have hit snooze one time to many and now your in a frenzy! Have you been there? Oh me too, too many times to count. While some mornings I still have this struggle, I have learned that a state of frenzy is not one I work best in. That's why I have created a morning routine! I have discovered the beauty of using your mornings for time to prepare your soul and mind for the day. From the time you wake until the time you go to sleep, but I am telling you if you take time for you in the morning it will help you be focused, productive and in a better mindset for the day! So why a morning routine? It helps you set the tone for your day! It is easier to get into a state of reaction than it is to get out of it. When you start your day hectic you are in a state of survival but when you start your day in a mindset of peace and clarity, it takes you out of a state of reaction and into a state of clarity. And while I understand that while ANYTHING can happen during the course of your day, it helps your mind to go back to that zen state. So you may be thinking... How do I create a morning routine? By finding what works for you! Start exploring how much time you have available and then structuring a tentative schedule surrounding your time. Most importantly, your morning should be about limiting what you are reacting to. Starting your day browsing social media, responding to emails and watching videos places you in a state of reaction. You are reacting to the needs and attentions to people. While it may seem innocent you need to start your time pouring into you. Use this time to connect with yourself before you connect with people. Do not start your day, people driven. Learn to take that time to rejuvenate and evaluate your mindset before you start your day. Use this time to check in with you!
Here are several things I would recommend doing to start your morning:
Doing these things, have allowed me to have self reflection and to start my days off in a positive headspace. I hope you can find a morning routine that will allow you opportunity to connect with yourself and to start your day on a positive note! Comment below some cool things you do in your morning time? I can't wait to hear! Until next time, Tamika Nicole |
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