1/21/2018 0 Comments finding your whyYour alarm goes off you have to go to work, another day at the 9-5 that you hate, but despite that feeling of pit inside of your stomach everyday you get up and go to work. While you may hate the job, you know that you have a family to feed, and business to build and bills to pay. Despite your feelings of going there your WHY is what gets you up out of bed each and everyday and leads you to that same place day after day. Understanding your WHY is what keeps you committed to your dream. What is this WHY I speak of, you may ask? Your WHY is the purpose, cause or belief that leads to your inspiration. Its the deeper purpose beyond the money, beyond the fame! It is what connects you to the person you are trying to reach, and what inspires you to want to help people. It is the same thing that motivates you to keep moving whether you have zero audience members or you have a million. Many people think that have a defined why, but in reality they simply have a WHAT and a HOW. People often know what they can do, and how they can do it but they don't know why they are doing it. The problem is when you don't know your WHY, your WHAT and HOW will not sustain you or your business. Having tools and education in certain areas is great, but if you don't have a reason behind your strategy, it will be hard to connect with and motivate your customers. "When you learn to motivate YOU, you will learn how to motivate THEM!" In determining your why you have to determine what is driving you to do what you want to do? Is it changing lives? Is it making an impact? Is it seeing others succeed? One thing for sure is it should NEVER EVER EVER be solely about money! Money is up and down, especially when you are in your beginning stages. Many entrepreneurs have months and/or years before they are able to profit from their work. So get the money part out of your head and dig deeper! Really think about what is it that will keep you moving forward on good days and on bad! I love this quote by Friedrich Nietzsche that says: "He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how" And this is the truth. When you are clear on your why, when you are clear on what you have to offer and what it can benefit, ANY obstacle that attempts to stop you from building that vision, will NOT succeed! Your WHY and HOW are your connected! "Your WHY determines your HOW!" How do you build your audience? How do you get paying customers? It all starts with WHY. When your attention is money focused, that reads through to your audience. When you just have tools and no real connection to people that reads through? Examine how can you best serve your audience. Examine what you have to offer than can benefit the people that you are selling to and know why! Have a story and a connection between you and your ideal client. Focus on building a blogger-customer connection! Determine how to build that connection now so that your business can succeed later! "Discovering your WHY helps build your strategy!" Building your WHY starts with YOU. You have to dig and you have to find your passion that can turn into help for others! HELPING PEOPLE is the goal. All passions are not good business ideas, so being realistic is key. Consider WHAT you have to offer, WHY you want to offer it, and know HOW others can benefit! Start with self examination but talk to friends and family on what they think you have to offer, research different things, and begin building the vision that belongs to you! Lets all work on finding and developing our WHY so we can better shape our HOW! Until next time,
Tamika *I want to hear from you! Answer one question from the worksheet below! Lets Chat!
4.) Envision where you are going then realize what your don't need to get there![]() The time for you to move into your vision is NOW. In order to understand what is needed to fulfil your vision, you must understand the end from the beginning. Oftentimes we allow things and/or people to keep up from going where we are going. Once you understand where you are going, it is vital that you analyze not only what you need to get there, but also what you do NOT need to get there. This begins by evaluation, look at thing things and people in your life, and examine whether its moving your closer to or further away from your dream. While it is not easy to hear, but the journey to being an entrepreneur can be a lonely one. Eliminations are vital. While everything will not be prefect, it is important to limit the things that are distractions towards your vision. Tell yourself where you want to be, determine what is limiting you from getting there, and then begin working on building your end goal. Surround yourself with what and who will help you, not harm you. Its often hard to accept but certain people and certain mindsets can't go where you are going, and guess what? Thats OK! Be willing to leave some things, stop loading things on board with your vision that are only going to weigh you down or delay your arrival, Examine your vision, determine limitations, eliminate setbacks, and MOVE forward. 5.) present a solution, not a problemWhen you are looking to attract a customer or sell a product, the first thing you want to do is limit confusion. Most of that can be done in the building phase, When you examine your vision, when you determine your why, they ask yourself HOW? How can I help someone? What can I do to solve their problem? Then begin working towards that! Map out the steps needed to get from the idea, to the vision. Think about your ideal audience member and/or customer, put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself, how can I eliminate problems and bring solutions. Determine how you can be an answer to someone's problem. When you present a solution and your prove that solution, your audience will find a trust in you, allowing more opportunities in your business. 6.) don't sit in a place of movementThis is a big one! You see, the world is moving! And whether or not you realize it, there are more people now than every building their businesses and/or brands. The harsh reality is that the more you sit when people all around are moving, the more you are limiting not only yourself but your potential audience. Stop sitting and start moving! The reality people do not want to accept is that what you do not do, someone else will! Don't think for a second that no one else does not have the same idea as you because I guarantee you, they do. When you are sitting and not moving, you are allowing someone else the opportunity to move into the vision that you have. Remember the more you sit the more you are not only limiting yourself, but you are also limiting your potential audience. If you have an idea, you need to move NOW, because the world is moving and time waits for NO ONE. Start that blog, start that business, start that vision inside of you. Be selfish, and do not allow anyone or anything to limit you! You have potential, you have opportunity but you have to first realize that building your vision starts with YOU. Become your own CEO, don't allow others, including yourself to limit you, recognize where you are going and what you need to do to get there. Your audience is waiting on you, your vision is waiting on you. Start building and stop siting, your vision belongs to you!
Read Part 1 here! Until next time, Tamika I want to hear from you! Comment below which tip resonated the most with you and how you will apply it today!
Years ago, the term, "Create your dream reality" sounded fishy, something like a scam! I often wondered how could I create my dream reality? I am just a broke young adult, in debt like most of America, thats INSANE! But as time went on I began to realize something, I began to realize that it was not insane and that I have opportunity to create my dream life and that the only thing stopping me, was ME!
You see often times we are raised in one way and one mindset and we often adapt to that mindset. When we do that, it LIMITS opportunity! It is hard to grasp that you can be debt free when all you've known is debt. It's hard to grasp working for yourself when all you've known is a 9-5. Its hard to break your current reality for another one, BUT the truth is your CURRENT reality isn't your ONLY reality! In order to start creating the reality you WANT you have to break from the reality that you think you NEED. That starts with getting clear on your vision and building it! So what if people think you are crazy! So what if you think you don't know enough! That vision, that dream, it belongs to Y-O-U and you have to work for it! It is not anyone else's, it's YOURS! When you know better you move better! Start moving in what belongs to you! Start moving in your vision! Lets talk about HOW: 1.) be the ceo of you!
Each time you are on the clock for any corporation, you have a list of responsibilities that you are called to do. You have rules that you must follow, and people you must answer to. Everything you do during those hours, are based on the vision of the CEO of that company.
Now why is it that we spend so much time building up the vision of others that we lose focus on our own? We would rather spend more time slaving at a job for someone, doing something that we are not even passionate about than spending that time building our own vision. The only person that is benefiting is them, not you! Become your own CEO. Take your vision and build it! As the CEO of YOU, you are responsible for your happiness. You make ALL decisions, you call ALL shots, the structure of YOU is in your hands! Stop being unhappy where you are and start working towards building the happiness you know that you can have. Don't allow others (employers, friends, etc.) to limit the opportunities that you have inside of you. Take ALL responsibility and start BUILDING the life the reality that you want NOW. 2.) don't allow one title or function to limit you
Did you ever think that your biggest limitation could be you? We often allow our titles to stop us. You should never place a period after a title or function, there should always be more. Your title does not define all of you, its just a part of you!
Yes you may have kids and a home to run, yes you might be in school full time, yes you might work all hours of the day. Is that wrong? NO! But what is wrong is when you allow those things to be your end. I love when TD Jakes says: "You are at your best when you are authentic to your core, You have to be what you are not what they call you". Often times we allow what people call us to be our end and thats not so. When you allow limitations the only person you truly are limiting is YOU. Stop limiting yourself and start building the YOU that you were created to be. Limitation-free!! 3.) never adjust performance to the crowd
Your audience is the most important part of your business, no matter what it is or how you are trying to reach them. Your audience is your WHY behind your business right? You want to reach someone in hopes to help them in some way. While that is important one point Pastor Jakes makes is that you never know WHO is in your audience so therefore you should ALWAYS give your BEST performance.
In this moment that I am typing this blog, I am at the beginning of starting my blog. I have no subscribers and I don't truly know who is reading this, but what I do know, is that whoever it is deserves my best. Oftentimes we allow discouragement to distract us from finishing our projects. It does not matter if you have one person in your audience or one million, you never know who is in your audience, and what impact you can have on them OR even what impact they could have on you! Always honor where you are with your best effort! Always give your audience your best performance! Always put out what you know is your best and believe that if you can only touch one, that one is enough!
See you for part 2 next week! (Click here for Part 2)
Also, Check out this link from the amazing interview that inspired this post! -Tamika 1/1/2018 0 Comments 3 big lessons 2017 taught meWow can you believe its already 2018! Time is flying by! As I sit and reflect on this past year, the memories, the good times and the bad, i realize that I learned so many lessons that are helping create me into the woman I am today. Join me as I share the top 3 lessons I learned over those 365 day: 1.) the future is now!The mindset that I had at the beginning of 2017 and the mindset that I have at the end are totally different. When I started the year I didn't realize that each decision I make affected not only my present but also my future. In the months leading up to 2018, my mindset on my decisions have changed. I have learned that the decisions I make now not only effect me but the entire generation to come after me. What I do now its not just for me, its for my children and my children's children. Learning and realizing this helped me to really begin to examine every decision I make with the end result in mind. I've learned that what I do NOW determines my FUTURE. And the same goes for you. What are you doing right now that is shaping your future? Are your plans limiting or benefiting? What YOU do now shapes your future! Whatever goal you have, work towards it now! Research, develop a plan and take action! Don't just sit and say well maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe next year. Don't put off to tomorrow what you can do today! Work for your future and remember your future starts now! Which brings me to number 2: 2.) its okay to say no!![]() Saying no, is one of the biggest hurdles I have had to overcome in my journey and some days I do still fall short. Learning to say no has allowed me to make decisions that better invest into my future and the future of my family. For every no I say to a person or to a thing, is another yes that I am saying to me. In 2017 I learned that selfishly I came first, and that was okay. I learned that we can spend so much time investing into someone else's goals and visions that we forget about our own. While saying no can be hard, saying no is the best thing I learned to do. Have you every said yes and then had that pit in your stomach, constantly asking yourself why didn't I say no? Only to later turn around and say no anyways? Me too!! Amanda Bucci said it best: "Learn how to say no first and figure out a way to say yes IF it makes sense, Not the other way around". Saying no allows you to be in control of what and who you are investing into, and one thing I know for sure is you better invest wisely. In 2018 learn to live SELFISHLY! Put your personal investments (time, energy, and money) into something or someone that can help benefit you for your future, not the other way around! 3.) Learn to invest into you!![]() Funny how the first two lessons lead right into this one but ah was this a big one for me. Learning to manage and value MY time was so important to me. I had invested my time and energy into a lot of people and a lot of things. As the months in 2017 changed, so did I. I started gain a different mindset about things and life. As my mindset changed and I evolved, I noticed that people drifted, and those things I gave my attention to were no longer as important to me. What gained main focus in my life, was building a life now that I would thank myself for later. And that started with investing into me. What did I want to do? What did I want to build? Who do I want to help? How do I want to help create a change? The more I examined these questions, the more I realized I needed to simply take the first step. For you reading this, be wise in your investments! Learn to invest into you first, so that you in turn can invest into others. 2017 taught me a lot and I am so excited to take them into 2018, and to build more for the future. Thanks for reading! -Tamika Nic P.S-I want to hear from you! Share one important lesson 2017 taught you! Lets chat below: |
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