12/30/2019 0 Comments Some Exciting News...Well, hey there long time no chat! I know you may be reading this and thinking your eyes are deceiving you, but yes, it's me, Tamika, and yes, I am back! I know it feels like I have been gone for a long time, but I promise I can explain. If you followed along from my previous blogs, you know that in February of 2019 I found out I was pregnant, and while I thought I could do everything as usual, I quickly learned I could not. I was tired; I was sick; I was emotional. And as much as I wanted to show up and blog in the midst of that, I realized that I needed to give myself grace and enjoy my pregnancy. So that is what I did, I showed up when I could, and I allowed myself an adequate amount of time away to focus on myself and my newborn daughter. And I have to say I do not regret it for one bit. Seeing my daughter grow these past three months has brought me so much joy and gratitude in more ways than I could have ever imagined. I am so grateful! With that, I want to thank those of you who have stuck around with me through the journey. Your patience and understanding is appreciated. If you are new here, Welcome, I am so glad you stopped by! So now that we have that out of the way I am so excited about the upcoming changes in 2020, so let's hop into it! Blog ChangesDuring my time away, I reflected on the purpose of the Flourish In Purpose blog. Since I began the blog in December of 2017, the vision has always been about God. The purpose of this blog is to encourage you to flourish in the purpose that God has for you. I've learned that to work in that mission fully; some changes need to occur. Beginning in Januaray 2020, the Flourish In Purpose Blog will be a devotional based blog. A new devotional will be published every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 10 am! My prayer is that when you reflect and meditate on the scripture and text, God's word to speak to you and that word can resonate throughout the day, week and year. I can share a lot of things, but it is God's word that should change and shape our hearts. The devotionals will be challenging, encouraging, and a reminder of who God is and who he calls us to be. Also new this year is a guest blogger feature, where you will get to see and connect with other faith-based content creators! I love that the blogging community provides a chance to meet new people all over, I've connected with some great writer friends, and my prayer is that with this new feature you will too! I am excited to introduce you to a variety of people from different backgrounds, with different stories but all sharing the same faith! So get ready. Podcast ChangesIn addition to the blog, the Flourish In Purpose podcast will be back up and running. While my goal was to do weekly podcasts, I've realized that my schedule will not allow me too, and that is okay (grace)! So starting in Jan., we will be releasing new podcasts on the last Wednesday of each month! We will be gearing up for our first episode of the new year on Jan. 29th! So, if you have not already make sure to check out, rate and subscribe to our podcast on iTunes and YouTube (linked below)! Book ReleaseFinally, a super exciting secret I have been keeping is that I will be releasing my very first book, YES you heard that right, my first book Closer to the King, a seven-day prayer devotional will release Spring of 2020. I have been working on this book over the last year, and it is almost ready to be released! The great news is that if you subscribe to my email list, you will get an inside look before it releases! So click here and subscribe so you get the first update!! My prayer is that this book will help encourage you in your prayer life, realizing not only the importance but the necessity of prayer as believers. I am so excited!!! Welp...thats all that I have for now, I genuinely hope you are just as excited as I am for where the brand is going in 2020, I know and believe God will be doing big things! I am so excited for this journey! Stay tuned and be on the lookout for the first 2020 blog dropping on Jan. 5th, friends. I will see you then! God bless!! -Tamika
10/4/2018 1 Comment 4 Must-Have Free Blogging ResourcesIf you are anything like I was when I began my blog, you have great content to share, but you also have a BUDGET! Matter of fact your budget is F-R-E-E! When I began my blogging journey, I was certain I was going to have to spend a dime somewhere. And to my surprise, I didn't! I found innovative tips and tricks and was able to get my blog up and running for absolutely free. And guess what? You can too! Today I want to share with you four of the resources I have discovered that has provided me an opportunity to promote my content, have great graphics, keep my audience connected, and to also create an income stream. No matter your category or niche, each of these things aspects are necessary for having and maintaining a successful blog. So enough chit-chat, let's begin... 1.) mailchimpAs a blogger, it is essential to not only to create content but to stay connected to your audience. It is easy for blogs to get lost in the world of the Internet, so a simple way to stay connected to your people is by creating an email list. MailChimp is a tool that allows for content creators like you, to create an email list for FREE! No, you do not need a tech degree, and no you don't need to be super creative because MailChimp provides plenty of tutorials and templates to help you get started. If that does not sound simple, I do not know what does. I have linked some great resources below to help you get started with Mail Chimp! Things to know
2.) Pixabay/PexelsIt does not matter what type of blog you have; images are a must have as a blogger. Pictures make it easier for the readers to place themselves within the content of your blog. While your content may be insightful, visuals help to grasp your readers' attention. Being visually appealing to your audience, allows readers to connect with your content while remaining interested. That is where websites like Pexels and Pixabay come into play! They allow you to find free images by completing a simple word search. Both websites are free of charge and copyright. Having sites like these helps you to take the guesswork out of whether or not your images need to be credited back to the original owner. Simple huh? Check out the resources below to help you make your site more visually appealing today. Things to know
January 2023
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