Years ago, the term, "Create your dream reality" sounded fishy, something like a scam! I often wondered how could I create my dream reality? I am just a broke young adult, in debt like most of America, thats INSANE! But as time went on I began to realize something, I began to realize that it was not insane and that I have opportunity to create my dream life and that the only thing stopping me, was ME!
You see often times we are raised in one way and one mindset and we often adapt to that mindset. When we do that, it LIMITS opportunity! It is hard to grasp that you can be debt free when all you've known is debt. It's hard to grasp working for yourself when all you've known is a 9-5. Its hard to break your current reality for another one, BUT the truth is your CURRENT reality isn't your ONLY reality! In order to start creating the reality you WANT you have to break from the reality that you think you NEED. That starts with getting clear on your vision and building it! So what if people think you are crazy! So what if you think you don't know enough! That vision, that dream, it belongs to Y-O-U and you have to work for it! It is not anyone else's, it's YOURS! When you know better you move better! Start moving in what belongs to you! Start moving in your vision! Lets talk about HOW: 1.) be the ceo of you!
Each time you are on the clock for any corporation, you have a list of responsibilities that you are called to do. You have rules that you must follow, and people you must answer to. Everything you do during those hours, are based on the vision of the CEO of that company.
Now why is it that we spend so much time building up the vision of others that we lose focus on our own? We would rather spend more time slaving at a job for someone, doing something that we are not even passionate about than spending that time building our own vision. The only person that is benefiting is them, not you! Become your own CEO. Take your vision and build it! As the CEO of YOU, you are responsible for your happiness. You make ALL decisions, you call ALL shots, the structure of YOU is in your hands! Stop being unhappy where you are and start working towards building the happiness you know that you can have. Don't allow others (employers, friends, etc.) to limit the opportunities that you have inside of you. Take ALL responsibility and start BUILDING the life the reality that you want NOW. 2.) don't allow one title or function to limit you
Did you ever think that your biggest limitation could be you? We often allow our titles to stop us. You should never place a period after a title or function, there should always be more. Your title does not define all of you, its just a part of you!
Yes you may have kids and a home to run, yes you might be in school full time, yes you might work all hours of the day. Is that wrong? NO! But what is wrong is when you allow those things to be your end. I love when TD Jakes says: "You are at your best when you are authentic to your core, You have to be what you are not what they call you". Often times we allow what people call us to be our end and thats not so. When you allow limitations the only person you truly are limiting is YOU. Stop limiting yourself and start building the YOU that you were created to be. Limitation-free!! 3.) never adjust performance to the crowd
Your audience is the most important part of your business, no matter what it is or how you are trying to reach them. Your audience is your WHY behind your business right? You want to reach someone in hopes to help them in some way. While that is important one point Pastor Jakes makes is that you never know WHO is in your audience so therefore you should ALWAYS give your BEST performance.
In this moment that I am typing this blog, I am at the beginning of starting my blog. I have no subscribers and I don't truly know who is reading this, but what I do know, is that whoever it is deserves my best. Oftentimes we allow discouragement to distract us from finishing our projects. It does not matter if you have one person in your audience or one million, you never know who is in your audience, and what impact you can have on them OR even what impact they could have on you! Always honor where you are with your best effort! Always give your audience your best performance! Always put out what you know is your best and believe that if you can only touch one, that one is enough!
See you for part 2 next week! (Click here for Part 2)
Also, Check out this link from the amazing interview that inspired this post! -Tamika
January 2023
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