2/18/2018 0 Comments How to break down big goals
New year, new me, I'm sure you have heard this term right? We start off every year with a bang. We have so many things that we want to do, some many goals that we want to reach but come mid-Jan even February, that passion that we had to achieve those goals wears off. The more we focus on what are big goals entails, the more we begin to lose focus on the small steps that must taken to get there.
Now if your like most people, there are big things that you want to accomplish this year, and part of you may fear you will never reach those goals. Today I am here to tell you that no matter how daunting the task can seem, any goal you set can be accomplished. It starts with minimizing your big goals in to daily to-dos! Join me today as I share with you, how to make your big goals achievable ones. analyze your goal
In order to know how to execute a plan to reach your goal you must be clear on your goal. Whatever your goal may be, analyze it! Most goals that we have are vague such as start a business, earn six figures, lose weight. The more vague we make our goals the more unrealistic they become.
Analyzing your goal starts with understanding what it takes to achieve that goal. Make your goal as specific as possible, so if you want to lose don't just make your goal lose weight this year, get specific. "I will lose 25 pounds by 12/31/2018". Instead of having a vague goal with no real way to determine that it was reached, you now have a specific goal with a specific deadline. Once your goal is specified, write down what it takes to achieve that goal. Consider the time, dedication and effort that it will take to reach that goal. If you don't have a plan of action behind your goal, your goal is nothing more than a wish. From the beginning you must have a mindset of I WILL achieve this goal, then you must plan what it takes to execute that goal.
January 2023
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