If there is one area that we all seem to struggle with, its the area of focus. I mean, how could your possibly stay focused in a world full of distractions? We have TVs, smartphones, TVs in our smart phones. I mean everything is calling us right now, and everything seems more interesting than what we are doing. Well I am here to tell you today, there is one thing that will take you further than any void a distraction can fill, and that thing is FOCUS.
Focusing, doesn't sound attractive right? It sounds BORING! I mean why focus when I could be doing something more fun or interesting? Well this isn't going to fluff your feathers, but learning to focus and say no to distractions is what is going to produce results in your life and/or business. Steve Jobs said it best: "Focus is about saying no". WHAT??? Yes! If you want to succeed in your goals and dreams it starts in the small stages of saying no. Do you think that Apple gained its success by Jobs saying YES to everything, NO! Learning to say no to things, even if they sounded like great ideas, is what allowed Jobs to say YES to the things that helped build Apple into the success it is today. Too many YESSES leads to overcommitment, wasted time & poor results! Often times, when we are saying yes to things, its things that we dread and do not want to do. We are over committing to things out of our core of being people pleasers. When we let our inner "people pleaser" lead us, we end up only hurting ourselves. The truth is when you say yes to something you don't really want to do, you are saying no to something that you do want to do! When we overcommit to people and things, we begin to snatch away the valuable time that we have, and as a result our goals suffer. "If you short-change your priorities for those of others, you might sacrifice the very benefits you were seeking as an entrepreneur in the first place" -Adelaide Lancaster, The Muse No matter how it may look or feel, I am here to tell you that no one cares about your goals like you do. Although it may seem like something small, when you give into distraction you are only pulling away from YOUR GOAL, no one else's. You open the door for procrastination. Yes it might just be one night out with friends, but now your tired, unfocused and you're scrambling to rearrange meeting your deadline. One small distraction can lead to major setbacks in reaching your goals. I know we have been taught to put others first, but I am here to say you need to place yourself and your goals first. Reaching goals starts in saying no. When you learn to say no in the small distractions, you learn to say YES to the big things. Your goals are the big things! As Steve Jobs said, its about FOCUS. Good results are a product of good focus! Focus on getting your goal done, and getting it done WELL. Whatever is distracting or threatening your focus, SHUT IT DOWN! It doesn't matter if its a person or thing, or even YOURSELF! Remember that saying no to others, is saying YES to you! Can we be YES (to self) people today? Lets chat! What is the biggest thing limiting you from reaching your goals? You can do it guys! Here's to focusing more starting today! Tamika
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